The Tokyo station - Ochanomizu - Kourakuen

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I walked along the way in front of the Tokyo station to the Shohei bridge. I walked along the way in front of the Tokyo station to the Shohei bridge. @
Eidan Marunouchi Line Ootemachi station Eidan Marunouchi Line Ootemachi station @
The encounter with Sotobori avenue is the third times.The encounter with Sotobori avenue is the third times. @
I walked to the Shohei bridge across the Yasukuni avenue. I walked to the Shohei bridge across the Yasukuni avenue. @
Eidan Marunouchi Line Awaji-cho station Eidan Marunouchi Line Awaji-cho station @

The place where Sotobori avenue and the Yasukuni avenue crossed isAwaji-cho.
I turned left on the Shohei bridge of the end of the Akihabara electricity town. I turned left on the Shohei bridge of the end of the Akihabara electricity town. @
Yushima Confucian Shrine Yushima Confucian Shrine @
Yushima Confucian Shrine Yushima Confucian Shrine @
The Confucius statue The Confucius statue@

Confucius is the big thinker who affected all fields in China, such as politics and philosophy. His conception is called Confucianism, it was the key conception of the Edo Shogunate, and the school was Yushima Confucian Shrine.
The map of Yushima Confucian Shrine The map of Yushima Confucian Shrine @
Eidan Marunouchi Line Ochanomizu station Eidan Marunouchi Line Ochanomizu station @
I turned to the right at the intersection in front of Juntendo University.I turned to the right at the intersection in front of Juntendo University.@
I turned left and went to Hongou avenue. I turned left and went to Hongou avenue. @
I turned left and went in Hongou-sanchoume to Kasuga avenue I turned left and went in Hongou-sanchoume to Kasuga avenue @
Eidan Marunouchi Line Hongou-sanchoume station Eidan Marunouchi Line Hongou-sanchoume station @
I turned left to Kasuga avenue. I turned left to Kasuga avenue.@
Marunouchi Line runs the ground in the Kourakuen station foreground.Marunouchi Line runs the ground in the Kourakuen station foreground. @

Central back is the Kourakuen station.
The intersection with the Hakusan avenue is Kasuga-cho and Kourakuen is near it.The intersection with the Hakusan avenue is Kasuga-cho and Kourakuen is near it.@
Eidan Marunouchi Line Kourakuen station Eidan Marunouchi Line Kourakuen station @

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Kasumigaseki - Ginza - Tokyo station @Kourakuen - Myougadani - Ikebukuro